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Katie     07976 934652

Rachel  07811 136282

Dave     07400 213163

Amie     07769 324804

Urgent  999​​


LOST CHILDREN - The designated point is the welcome desk. See policy below. 


FIRST AID - First Aid station in the Volunteers Team Lounge, or report to the welcome desk and you will be directed. 


ANY OTHER EMERGENCY - Report to the Welcome Desk.


EMERGENCY VEHICLES - Will use the gate close to the Site Office Caravan. 


EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY POINT - The Un-used part of the field to the North of the Festival.  







RECOGNISE the signs that could indicate abuse is happening. 

RESPOND sensitively and listen - don't question or investigate

RECORD what you have been told factually and accurately using the language used by the person disclosing. 

REPORT immediately to the Safeguarding Contact on the day. They will refer to the police and/or social services as required. 

Contact On the Day 

Contact Out of Hours ​








All activities on offer will be risked assessed and mitigations made to reduce likelihood of accident or injury. 

The site will be managed and walking routes made so that risk of fall causing injury will be reduced. 

Safety announcements regarding the site will be made hourly from the front stage as a minimum. 

Dr Laura Neilson staff grade AED doctor will co-ordinate first aid response as needed. A qualified first aider will be on site during public opening times. 

The first aid station will be at the Volunteer Team Lounge area and will be identified by a sign and announcement over the speaker system. 

Response provision will include first aid at work pack.  

The first aid point will have a phone to be able to contact emergency services or 111 as needed. 

The first aid point is for basic advice, support for minor illnesses or injuries but attendees will be directed to other main stream NHS services for anything beyond this scope or where further support or assessment is needed. 

Any care of advice given at the first aid station will be documented and kept as part of the festival documentation. 






All Volunteers to be briefed prior to event with the following guidelines.


  • The central point to accommodate lost or found children/persons will be the Welcome gate. This will not be advertised as a missing person post, but what it actually is, such as welcome area, or first aid tent.

  •  In line with good practice guidelines two people will care for any found child, and both ideally will have been subject to a DBS check.


General Care Guidelines:

  • Children/ vulnerable adults should not be left in the sole care of one person.

  • No food or drink, except plain water should be given to children/vulnerable adults in case of allergies.

  • The person claiming a child will complete a form to include their name and address and relationship to the child/ vulnerable adult and will show a form of identification, always bearing in mind that if the child/ vulnerable adult is unsure or reluctant to be taken by the person collecting them, then further confirmation will be required of the relationship to the child/ person before handing him or her over. The person should be a competent adult.


Adults looking after children are expected to:

  • Respect the wishes of a child as you would an adult, you must not impose yourself on them

  • Remember that children regard adults as role models and ensure your behaviour, language, gestures etc. are appropriate and above reproach

  • Prevent any other volunteer or member of public from putting any child in a situation in which there is a significant risk to their health and safety.

  • Be prompt, calm, assured and professional



Lost Vulnerable Adults:

(Example: an adult who has become separated from their family/friends/guardian)

Lost adults who become detached from their friends or family will either make themselves known to a volunteer or a volunteer may become aware of them. A volunteer will make a call to the Control/Welcome in case the person’s friends or family have already made contact. A brief search of the area can be carried out with the lost person to assist in locating friends or family. If the immediate search is unsuccessful the staff member can then escort the lost person back to the lost person allocated area, where the Control/welcome will be informed and take appropriate action, such as assist with making phone calls or a public announcement, if appropriate.


Found child:

(Example: a child who has become separated from their parent/ guardian)

If a lost child is discovered by a volunteer this must be reported immediately to control/welcome. The following procedure is to be followed:


  • The child will be taken to the designated lost person point (the welcome gate) and two DBS checked staff members called to attend to look after the child. The child will be reassured and the following questions will be asked to gather more information:


  • Ask their parents/ guardians names

  • Ask if they know any contact numbers for the persons they were with or other family members/ friends that may help

  • Ask where and when they were last together

  • Ask what they were doing to help you identify where the parents might be

  • Ask what the parents are wearing

  •  Ask if they know what the parent’s plans were/ are

  •  If child is calm and it is appropriate to do so, further details may be obtained, such as address and other relative’s details.


  • An announcement can be considered to be made from the PA/main stage asking their parents/ guardians to go to the designated meeting point. The name of the child must not be announced over the PA or radios. Example: ‘Can  Mrs Smith attend the control point’.

  • A search system can be considered to look for the relatives of the found child if appropriate.




Any member of the public may summon emergency assistance at will. If a steward becomes aware of such a situation or is asked to summon the emergency services on their behalf, one of the emergency contacts as listed at the beginning of this page should be notified on the phone number provided such that the nominated gate can be cleared for access.


The gate close to the Site Office Caravan will be the nominated access point for emergency vehicles. 

The unused part of the field to the north of the site will be the designated Emergency Assembly Point.   


Weather / Emergency contingency

All temporary accommodation (tents, marquees and gazebos) are intended for use during clement weather conditions; suitable provision will be made for reasonably expected adverse weather. In the event of exceptionally heavy rain or strong winds (or any other emergency situation) a decision will be made by the marquee providers in conjunction with the event organisers to determine the need to :

  1. Stop the event

  2. evacuate visitors

  3. Strike the tents and/or make safe.  


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